In Memory Of: Roger Stainbrook

Roger, when we first met, I was looking for a KungFu / Qigong Teacher and Fayne a Tai Chi Teacher. In you, we found both, as well as a dear friend. For 7 years, we trained together, built a business together and shared many laughs together. We moved the school twice and found a home with Dr. Joan Firra who became a physical therapy mentor to me and you both helped guide my path towards the therapeutic work I do today. While your spoken words were few and carefully chosen, our heart connection was clear. You often went out of your way to help me and Fayne, even coming by our new house construction to help me run speaker wires in the open rafters. I am reminded how amazed I was at your agility moving around the vaulted ceiling rafters above the living room. I commented and you simply said, “Monkey-Fu” and laughed.

Roger, you saw something in me I could not see at the time. You wanted me to pursue a path of healing modalities and encouraged me to go to acupuncture school. you shared your skills generously with me and guided my healing path forward with training on herbs, acupuncture and acupressure techniques. You introduced me to levels of meditation that I had no idea existed and a sensory awareness that was mind blowing. Together We dreamt about growing a wellness center “The Energy Balancing Center” where all were welcome to train for health and learn to heal themselves through ancient ways and mindful awareness. While work, family and life took us in different directions, we always stayed in touch with the occasional visit or lunch. And when you were in ill health, you sought me out to support your wellness path, which was truly an honor to me. I saw the glow in your eyes when you first walked in to our SimplyAware Wellness and Training Center. This was a true manifestation of the dreams Fayne and I shared with you almost 30 years ago.

As I meditate on what I carry forward from you in my life, I am at a loss to narrow the list to just a few. You were a man of few, carefully chosen words. You cared deeply for your family and as much for your students. In speaking with many at your memorial service, I see that while they felt close to you, they did not know all of you. In recent weeks, I have learned more about you than I ever knew before. I think what I will carry forward most is the lesson of opening my heart and being fully seen by those I love and for them to know without a doubt that they have a special place in my heart.

With love and gratitude for the many, many lessons through the years dear teacher,

Sifu Chris Bouguyon

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